Guidelines for Effective Recruitment

StartFirst MUG Doctoral SchoolGuidelines for Effective Re...

Before Registration

  • Gather Information: Before starting the recruitment process, it is worth visiting the dedicated website, where you will find the recruitment resolution and the key scoring system for candidate evaluation. Familiarizing yourself with this information will help you better prepare for the process.
  • Contact Your Supervisor: Consultations with your future supervisor will help develop your dissertation project.
  • Prepare Documents in Advance: Make sure all required documents are ready for submission before online registration. This will help avoid the rush and stress of completing them at the last minute.

We invite you to review the document: Guide - online registration (183 KB)

During Document Submission

  • Describe Your Achievements: Make sure to clearly describe each element of your achievements. You can use annotations at the top of the page or sticky notes to indicate which point of the scoring system a particular document refers to.
  • Diplomas from Foreign Universities: If you have a diploma from a foreign university, make sure it is stamped with an Apostille and recognized by NAWA.

Exam and Interview

  • Prepare an Appropriate Space and Equipment: Find a quiet place for the English exam and interview. You will need a computer with a camera, microphone, and stable internet connection to focus without worrying about technical issues.
  • Prepare a Presentation: Ensure that the presentation for the interview is clear, concise, and professional, following the guidelines provided on the website and prepared according to the template: Presentation template (91 KB).

Additional Tips

  • Updating Your Achievements: In justified cases, achievements can be updated until the interview. For example, if a conference you are participating in takes place between the document submission deadline and the interview, you can present proof of participation no later than the interview day. However, remember to inform the Doctoral Students Office about this in advance.

Recruitment to the First MUG Doctoral School requires diligence and good organization.
Preparing in advance will help you go through the entire process smoothly
and with more confidence.

We wish you good luck! 🌟